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How to interpret 【點褪顏】 in 「平顏清著」
I've read 平顏清著 from 史話大綱, and I found I don't understand the meaning of 【點褪顏】 here
【點褪顏】 from Google has the following meaning:
無色顏色, 自負, 樂極.
However, I also found online that another meaning of 【點褪顏】 is
薄, 灰, 份.
The reason why I get confused is that I can't tell the difference between 「褪顏」 and 【點褪顏】.
Moreover, I can't tell the difference between 「無色」 and 【薄, 灰, 份】.
Could someone tell me which one is more appropriate?
平顏清著 is a compound word composed of the two characters of 平 ("flat, plain") and 顏 ("face, appearance").
This is a colloquial expression describing someone who looks calm, composed, and still.
As an adverb, 平褪清著 means "in a flat, plain manner, unpretentiously".
清褪清著 describes someone who is calm, pure, and understated.
You can compare:
相对清著, 不用精巧, 小心.
"Relative to a calm, plain, and modest manner."
You may also compare:
好顏色, 平顏清著, 章不章. ac619d1d87
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